Well the folks over at MacHeist have put together yet another impressive bundle of great Mac software for only $19.95 (US).
For those unfamiliar with the MacHeist, what they do is get a bunch of great independent developers to come together and offer up a bundle of software for a great price. 25% of all proceed are donated to charity, you can see a full list of the charities on the MacHeist web site. When you buy a bundle, you can choose to give to all or pick the ones that you want to support. Basically a win for you (great applications), a win for the developers (more exposure), and a win for the charities.
This nanoBundle includes the following titles, listed with their retail prices:
- MacJournal - $40
- RipIt - $20
- Clips - $27
- CoverScout - $40
- Flow - $25
- Tails Of Monkey Island - $35 (Unlocked when 50,000 bundles are sold)
- Rapid Weaver - $79 (No unlock point listed yet, probably 100,000)
That is $260 worth of software, SWEET!
I know, you'll say, "But I don't need all those applications." True, I have interest in only 2 or 3, but for even the single purchase price of the cheapest application on the list, you get all 7. That is a heck of a deal!
Get your bundle today, currently they are just over the 23,000 bundle mark and I have yet to ever see an application not get unlocked.
- rob's blog
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